Tags – Lipstick Tricks for Whiter Teeth


Sometimes you just want your teeth to pop.

Especially if you’re about to head out for a glamorous evening!

Getting a consistently bright, celebrity-worthy smile can sometimes be a little tricky, not to mention expensive.

But, there are some nifty tricks to take your smile up a notch just by using makeup!

And don’t worry, this isn’t just another beauty hack – it actually works. Some lipstick shades can make your teeth look instantly whiter whilst others do quite the opposite.

With hundreds of beauty brands and thousands of lipsticks, they’re not all made the same.

So it’s not just down to the shade you wear, but its finish will impact how white your teeth will look as well.

Today, the power of makeup has no limits. So here’s a few tips and tricks for a smile you’ll always want to wear.


Scarlet Red

When you think of a good red lipstick, there’s probably one that comes to mind: Ruby Woo by MAC.

All for good reason too: it’s one of the most popular red lipsticks amongst makeup fiends, celebrities and industry insiders because its scarlet tone looks flattering on most skin tones.

But it also has the most perfectly balanced blue base that essentially acts like an instant whitening treatment.

That’s right, blue. Don’t just take our word for it, it’s just colour wheel logic: blue and yellow sit opposite each other, which means blue tones cancel out orange tones when put together.

So when red lipsticks are made with a blue base, it helps to cancel out any yellow tones on your teeth.

This works the other way too, if you wear reds with warmer undertones, it will bring the same hues out in your smile.


Don’t Like Red?

If you’re not a fan of a red lip, or you don’t want to wear it because it’s going to clash with your outfit, any lipstick colour that has either blue or purple undertones can help bring the whiteness out of your teeth.

In this case, try to go for berry-hued pinks, like raspberries or fuchsia. And these colours particularly compliment olive skin tones, creating a flattering contrast and a natural warm glow.

For darker skin tones, try a deep plum or other dark purple shade as this will not only make your teeth look whiter, but bring a cool elegance to any look.

It’s not just the colour you want to consider though, formulas with a slight sheen and gloss to it, rather than something that’s matte – we’ll explain why later.


Simply Nude

For those days where you don’t want a bold lip and you want the au naturel vibe, nothing’s better than a trusty nude lipstick.

However, the secret here is to go for brown shades rather than orange to give you a dazzling smile.

But colour aside, it’s more important to look out for texture when it comes to nude. 

As Giorgio Armani’s Tim Quinn once said: sometimes all it takes is a little gloss to make your teeth shine.

Not only will this give your lips some extra moisture and give you a more youthful appearance, but it will elevate the shine of your teeth, giving the illusion of a whiter smile. 

To put it differently, with matte lipsticks they tend to make your lips look dry, and it’s certainly not going to help reflect any light off your teeth.

At the same time, you don’t really want to add too much shine either, because this can make your lips look too light and make your teeth look a little dull and dirty.


Stay Away From… 

Of course this is not a strict rule book to restrict you from wearing what you want to wear.

You do you, and if you feel confident wearing a particular shade of orange, then wear it with pride! 

But if you are trying to give the illusion of pearlier whites, then you need to stay away from

  • Frosty shimmers: yes, a little bit of shine will work magically. But if you go too icy silver, it’ll make your lips look whiter and therefore teeth duller
  • Orange: You know why to avoid orange and yellow tones now – it’ll reflect on your teeth
  • Matte formulas: if there’s no moisture, your teeth will have no shine to bounce off and reflect


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